Turf FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What time of year should you lay Bermuda?
Bermuda can be harvested and laid all year long.

What time of year is Zoysia available?
Zoysia is available from April till November

How do I measure to see how much sod I need?
You can determine the amount of turf needed using our turf calculator.

What do I need to do to prepare for laying sod?
Make sure all existing weeds and grass have been removed. Rake and smooth the soil removing rocks, roots, and large clods. Roll the area lightly. This will firm the soil surface and reveal low areas that need more soil. Keep the grade 2 to 3 cm. (1 in.) below sidewalks or driveway. Water the prepared area to settle soil and provide a moist base for turf.

When should I order the sod?
Schedule your order for pick up or delivery of sod after prep work is completed and you are ready to install. Prompt installation on the day of delivery is crucial to a strong beginning for your lawn.

What do I need to know about installation?
Install your lawn immediately upon delivery.

Begin installing turf along the longest straight line, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Butt and push edges and ends against each other tightly, without stretching. Avoid gaps or overlaps. Stagger the joints in each row in a brick-like fashion, using a large sharp knife to trim corners, etc. Avoid leaving small strips at outer edges as they will not retain moisture. On slopes, place the turf pieces across the slope. Begin watering lawn within 30 minutes of installation.

How much water does my sod require?
Give your new lawn at least 2 to 3 cm. (1 in.) of water within 1/2 hour of installation. Water daily, or more often, keeping turf moist until it is firmly rooted (about 2 weeks). Then less frequent and deeper watering should begin. Weather conditions will dictate the amount and frequency of watering. Be certain that your new lawn has enough moisture to survive hot, dry, or windy periods. To avoid causing indentations or air pockets avoid repeated walking or kneeling on the turf while it is being installed or just after watering.

  • Tip #1: Pull back a corner of the turf and push a sharp tool into the soil. It should push in easily and have moisture along the first 3 or 4 inches, or you need to apply more water.
  • Tip #2: Corners and edges are easily missed by many sprinklers and are particularly vulnerable to drying out faster than the center portion of your lawn.
  • Tip #3: Water as early in the morning as possible to take advantage of the daily start of the grass's normal growing cycle, less loss of water because of high temperature evaporation.
  • Tip #4: Avoid hand sprinkling because it cannot provide the necessary uniformity as most people do not have the patience, time or "eye" to adequately measure what is being applied across any larger areas of lawn.